Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/27/ee/54/27ee541e405fed64e0942d5a95217b72.jpg
Over the past two decades, the number of people globally who suffer from diabetes shot up to 230 million worldwide - 30 million of them just in the U.S. Millions of lives have been lost and the ability of the health care system to deal with this disease is severely challenged while trying to manage this epidemic. This according to recent information provided by the International Diabetes Federation.
Diabetes is where your body can't store properly or use fuel for the energy the body needs. It's glucose - a form of sugar - that is the fuel that your body needs. It's from these foods that glucose comes from: bread, cereal, pastas, rice, potatoes, some vegetables and fruits. Your body needs insulin to properly utilize glucose. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by your pancreas.
Essentially, Diabetes is identified as three basic types: Type 1, Type 2, Gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes will occur only during pregnancy.
Types of Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes mellitus is a clinical condition that has numerous causes. There are two classes of diabetes mellitus. They are idiopathic and secondary.
The idiopathic form of diabetes falls into two main types; insulin dependent and non-insulin-dependent. The insulin-dependent form of diabetes mellitus (Type 1) is identified also as IDDM. It's identified by the development of "diabetic ketoacidosis" (DKA) if not treated with a therapy of insulin. The Type 1 diabetes class is more likely developed childhood (why it is also called juvenile diabetes) and is caused by autoimmune destruction of b-cells found in the pancreas.
Insulin-Resistant (or non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus - Type 2 is identified also as NIDDM. It's characterized by a persistent condition of hyperglycemia. It rarely leads to ketoacidosis. Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in adults age 40 and older. It was previously known as adult onset diabetes. The Type 2 form of diabetes can be the result of genetic defects that are known to cause both insulin resistance and deficiency. The two main forms of type 2 diabetes are:
Late onset common with obesity and late onset not related to obesity.
Example meal plan for managing diabetes (type 1 or type 2): Select foods that you like and satisfy hunger for you. Be sure to include "carbs" (carbohydrate foods) with each meal or snack as needed to manage blood sugar (glucose) levels. Eat the biggest meal at lunch or for dinner. You need to seek immediate medical attention if diabetic symptoms occur. From time to time, and particularly Type 1 suffers - these can occur abruptly. It could lead to 'diabetic keto acidosis' (DKA). This is a medical emergency. Symptoms of DKA include loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, vomiting, unusually excessive urination, confusion and other altered states of consciousness all leading to diabetic coma. Please seek immediate medical attention if you see these symptoms occur.
The conclusion to take away from the question "?": Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Type 2 Diabetes are virtually the same disease - with symptoms being the same. Really the only difference is in the semantics of the name.