Image source: https://cmeimg-a.akamaihd.net/cute-article-grid/cpie/images/a07/p8/0p/causes-heavy-breathing-cattle-800x800.jpg
Rapid breathing or breathing quite fast when we run or do some amount of physical work is very normal. The body requires enough oxygen at that time, but feeling heaviness on your chest or struggling to get breathe is not a good symptom. People who suffer from heavy breathing also complain of tingling around their mouth or in their hands or legs. Let us discuss some prime causes of heavy breathing:
- Too much Smoking: Individuals who smoke a lot are found to suffer from various respiratory diseases. They also suffer from difficulties in breathing breathing when they do some amount of work. The alveoli of the lungs get destroyed by the smoke and consequently the surface area of the oxygen intake is reduced. As a result when the body requires oxygen the individual struggles a lot to breathe and start puffing a lot through mouth.
- Cardiovascular disease: National Heart and Lung Institute in London found that people with some cardiovascular ailments too suffer from problems in breathing. Indeed heart diseases are some prime causes of heavy breathing. In some ailments the heart fails to push the adequate blood in time to body parts and the brain responds to make your lungs work faster to feel the deficiency of oxygen in body parts. You also feel a kind of chest pain.
- Asthma: This chronic condition too is responsible for difficulties in breathing in people. During this ailment the airways of the respiratory system get constrict and become inflamed and sometimes become chocked with mucus. The episode is triggered by some things like allergens, tobaccos, smoke, perfume, cold or warm weather, moist air, emotional stress or exercise.
- Obesity: Overweight too can be cause of heavy breathing. Too much fat in your body can result in production of cholesterol which blocks the lining or arteries that reduce the oxygenated blood flow to body tissues. As a result the person tries to breathe too heavily to meet the oxygen deficiency.
If you are overweight, you must follow a good diet for weight loss which would include fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, whole grain food, and fat free items.