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The simple fact of the matter is, the more you eat the more weight you gain. Our bodies work on a specific scale all food. In other words if you eat less calories than you burn you lose weight and if you eat more calories than you burn you gain weight. However, there is also a point at which the body will go into starvation mode. Those numbers are generally 1200 calories for women in 1500 calories for men. So if a woman needs less than 1200 calories per day her body perceives that it is not getting enough energy each day in order to survive. Going into starvation mode means that the metabolism slows down and no matter how much she doesn't eat she won't lose that much weight.
In a desperation to lose weight fast are some people have turned to the use of laxatives. However, using laxatives in weight loss program is not healthy and it is not safe. This is because of the physiological mechanism through which laxatives work and through which food is absorbed.
When food enters the digestive tract it goes down the esophagus and enters into the stomach. Here gastric juices are mixed with the food in order to help break the molecules down into a form which can be absorbed in the intestinal tract. Food and calorie absorption happens in the small intestines which measures between 18 and 21 feet long in a normal adult.
Next the food enters a large intestines which is significantly shorter (three to 4 feet) and whose main job it is is to reabsorb the excess water and fluid which has enabled the body to keep the food moving easily through the intestines.
Laxatives are a chemical which your tastes the cells of the large intestines, encouraging the large intestines to empty earlier than the body is ready. After losing a large amount of fluid from an early bowel movement the body than compensates by retaining fluid. The initial feeling of dehydration helps the person to "feel" then but within hours the person "feels" bigger because of the amount of fluid being retained in the body.
The body uses this fluid to remove wastes and toxins so by retaining fluid the individual we'll actually feel bad because of the build up of waste products which are normally excreted through the kidneys. At this point many people continue to take more laxatives to get rid of the full feeling again. This sets up a vicious cycle of diarrhea, dehydration and poor waste removal.
Continued use of laxatives will actually lead to cramping, bloating, water retention and will increase the persons risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome and colon tumors.
If you believe you have a problem with laxatives you should consult your primary care physician and and learn specific methodologies of stopping the abuse using several different steps. Unless laxatives are prescribed by a doctor you should stop using them immediately but this is often easier said than done. Many individuals who have had a problem abusing laxatives for more than a week or two may require the help of a mental health professional.
Drink at least eight to 10 8 ounce glasses of water each day in order to help rehydrate the body. Believe it or not, the more you drink the less water you will retain nonetheless feeling of bloating you will have. Do not substitute water for caffeine drinks or alcohol or even juices. And include physical activity each and every day to encourage her body to have a regular bowel movements.
Individuals who have used laxatives over time will find that it's has significantly impacted the ability of their lower intestines to function appropriately. By eating regular meals three times a day and including lots of fruits and vegetables you will actually increase your success rate to stop using the laxatives as well as to lose weight.
Keep a record of your bowel movements each day so that they can be monitored. If you find that you become constipated, or do not have a bowel movements, for more than three days then call your doctor immediately. This is not something you should treat yourself! Your colon will no longer react the same as a normal: after having been abused by laxatives.
You can decrease the risk of having any problems with constipation by increasing the amount of fiber you get in your diet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds all contain high amounts of fiber which will help your lower intestines to work appropriately. Another option is to sprinkle milled flaxseed over your cereal and salads. This product has little to no flavor, is high in fiber and also high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Remember that you have only this one body. Through long-term abuse using any chemical you will decrease the effective functioning of any part. Unfortunately, this also decreases your overall lifespan and your ability to enjoy a high quality life. Using laxatives in order to achieve a weight-loss goal is completely inappropriate. Do not misunderstand the difference between a colon cleansing, which is done one time every two or three months in order to jumpstart a weight-loss program or cleanse wastes and toxins from the body, with the long-term use of laxatives which do not achieve this goal.
You are able to stop this vicious cycle and on to a healthier and fitter you!
Jane Morrison enjoys writing about health and wellness issues for her readers in a very real way. She also writes at Plus Size Swimsuits
Tags : Weight loss, using laxatives, weight problems, bowel movements