Image source: https://coldsoreslips.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/symptoms-of-cold-sore-624x312.jpg
What causes cold sores in everyone is the herpes simplex virus. Do not be embarrassed. Nearly 89% of the world population carries this virus.
You probably know that. But, what you need to know are the three main triggers that cause the herpes virus to become active. These are the real causes of cold sores.
If the herpes virus becomes active and decides to replicate, it will move to the surface and enter your cells. This destructive virus then forces the cells to create new virus particles.
As the cells fill up with new virus copies, it forces the cells to swell and finally burst open. This releases the new virus and creates your painful open sore.
Here are the three primary triggers that create the right conditions for the activation of the herpes simplex virus. These are your true causes of cold sores.
Your antibodies are the soldiers that defend you from viruses such as the herpes virus. The strength of these is the basis for a strong immune system.
Your vitamin and mineral intake from food and supplements is very important. They are directly responsible for building strong antibodies.
If you suffer frequent outbreaks, it is definitely a sign of immune weakness.
Eat more fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits. These provide the best quality and best absorbed nutrients.
Most importantly, you should also begin a good vitamin supplement plan. For some folks, this is all it takes to stop most cold sores.
But the big mistake many people make is buying those cheap drugstore vitamins. If you do not buy a high quality vitamin supplement, you will not get good results.
High content of all vitamins is important. Especially look for optimal levels of vitamins A, C and the entire B family. Also, minerals calcium and zinc are very important.
Arginine and lysine are two amino acids essential to your health. They are quite common in a normal diet. They also are very much involved in cold sore outbreaks.
Arginine is the main protein needed to create new herpes virus. If arginine is scarce, the herpes virus will not build new virus particles. It will not create a new sore.
Herpes virus cannot use the lysine protein for this purpose.
Your cells store both lysine and arginine in the same area. The more you have of one, the less room for the other.
Flooding your cells with lysine crowds out the arginine and effectively prevents cold sores. Lysine is a powerful cold sore treatment.
Fish and dairy products are high in lysine and great for increasing lysine intake. Most people, however, use lysine capsules for convenience.
You are at peak health when your pH level is alkaline. The pH scale measures 1 through 14, with 7 being neutral. Above 7 is alkaline and below 7 is acid.
Your body will usually range between 6.6 and 7.35 pH. Any drop below 7 into the acid zone reduces your resistance. This could activate the herpes simplex virus.
The more acidic your body is, the lower your oxygen levels. This creates the perfect breeding ground for the herpes virus.
Avoid acid creating food such as soda and sugar. Eat more green vegetables. Asparagus is excellent for this. Also, vitamin stores often carry kits for raising your pH to healthy levels.
There you have it. These are the three main triggers that cause a cold sore. There are others, of course, but knowing these triggers, and how they affect you, will be a great help to you.
And remember, determining what causes cold sores for you is essential if you want to eliminate them completely from your life. Good luck and be cold sore free.