Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/43/29/6e/43296e801bcbca54117526ca420522b7.jpg
The specific quantities and exact menu plans are not listed, but the main categories of food are. Your food intake of course varies depending upon your size, exercise routine, age, and overall genetics. However, if you still to this plan of key food groups, you will lose weight naturally without intense exercise, deprivation, or frustration.
The below are the key food research has shown that promotes fat burning, a thermal effect, and even reduced appetite. The foods listed below should not surprise you: low carb (the bad kind), high protein, and lots of green leafy vegetables.
This list reflects my personal preferences, so this is not a prescription to all readers to eat as I do.
It's very important for compliance to choose foods you enjoy and to have the option for a wide variety of choices. It's not so much about the high carb - low carb argument or any other debate as much as it is about calorie control and compliance. The trouble is, restricted diets and staying in a calorie deficit is difficult, so most people can't stick with any program and they fall off the wagon, whichever wagon that may be.
I believe that a lot of our attention needs to shift away from pointless debates (for example, low carb vs. high carb is getting really old so like get over it everyone, it's a calorie deficit that makes you lose weight, not the amount of carbs).
Instead, our focus should shift towards these questions:
How can we build an eating program that we can enjoy while still getting us leaner and healthier?
How can we build an eating program that helps us control calories?
How can we build an eating program that improves compliance?
Here's one good answer: Eat a wide variety of high nutrient density, low calorie density foods that you enjoy which still fit within healthy, fat-burning, muscle-building guidelines!
So, as promised, below are the lists of foods we recommend to promote fat burning and weight loss. Once you get comfortable with these food groups, you will find that this eating plan is not difficult, but actually easy to stick with. I actually LOVE eating this way, and would find it hard to do anything different.
Top (Natural) Starchy Grains
1. Oatmeal (old fashioned)
2. Yams
3. Brown rice (a favorite is basmati, a long grain aromatic rice)
4. Sweet potatoes (almost same as yams)
5. Multi grain hot cereal (mix or barley, oats, rye. triticale and a few others)
6. 100% whole wheat bread
7. 100% whole wheat pasta
8. Beans (great for healthy chili recipes)
9. Cream of rice hot cereal
Top Vegetables
1. Broccoli
2. Asparagus
3. Spinach
4. Salad greens
5. Tomatoes
6. Peppers (green, red or yellow)
7. Onions
8. Mushrooms
9. Cucumbers
10. Zucchini
Top Lean Protiens
1. Egg whites (whole eggs in limited quantities)
2. Whey or Casein protein (protein powder supplements)
3. Chicken Breast
4. Salmon (wild Alaskan)
5. Turkey Breast
6. Top round steak (grass fed beef)
7. Flank Steak (grass fed beef)
8. Lean Ground Turkey
9. Bison/Buffalo
10. Trout
My top 10 fruits:
1. Grapefruit
2. Apples
3. Blueberries
4. Cantaloupe
5. Oranges
6. Bananas
7. Peaches
8. Grapes
9. Strawberries
10. Pineapple
Also, I do highly recommend healthy fats as well (nuts, olive oil, avocados, real butter). With respect to dairy, keep it low fat (cottage cheese, yogurt, or non fat milk).
Hopefully you found this list helpful. Please remember consistency is key. It is ok if you have an off day, just get back on the train and begin again. This diet plan is for the long haul and the purpose is developing habits you can stick with over the long term.