Image source: https://fthmb.tqn.com/sodxCr_EU-txQOY3vtoLgV4Tj-M=/1000x701/filters:fill(auto,1)/binary-7--58b08b043df78cdcd8b5e000.jpeg
Purchasing a grow box requires planning and should depend on the number of plants one intends to grow. Growing numerous plants in a small hydro grow cabinet can affect the natural growth of the plant where they may not get sufficient nutrition. While growing vegetables in a grow box, there are certain tips that one should follow to obtain best results out of it.
Keeping a keen eye on the water level Grow boxes have a designated area where the water supply induces the growth of the plants. As and when the plants grow, the need for water increases as there is no presence of soil. The nutrients that they receive for their growth is solely from the water, and by the end of the season when the plants are fully grown, one may have to add water frequently due to its high absorption features that get activated after it is fully grown.
Placement of the grow box While placing a grow box indoors, one should make sure that it is easily accessible. It would allow them to access the box for cleaning, watering, etc. The area around the box should also be kept clean not to attract pests and other elements. Placing small grow boxes on the window sill can sometimes turn risky if there is a sudden storm or severe winds blowing. The box may topple over and cause damage to the plants. Therefore keeping them on the floor in a secured space can be helpful.
Being aware of rotting roots With continuous contact with water, there are chances for the plant roots to rot. Blacked root tips would indicate rotting and to prevent them, one can add lime to the water that would neutralise the water and not let it affect the roots. Regular cleaning and replenishing of the water may also curb such problems.
Not overburdening the grow box While one purchases a grow box, it comes along with instructions that sets a limit on the number of plants that can grow in the box. One should keep in mind to not exceed the number as it may affect the growth of the plants and provide stunted plants at the end of the season.
Purchasing hydroponic grow cabinets arent that easy as one has to analyze all the aspects that would create a suitable environment for it. Looking around, talking to people with relevant experience can help people come to a conclusion.