Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmL0owefZbc-kmLsuLWqJbE-q6N8gJuSMBmiCUQxm83AUdP3kx6uD_FtNHdQXjGMfqZK-e0j6defvUppg1soOAfD62gc5NeYVLVKnVVTeaE15inBiEpAsmXcZ6axRRdoF3Zi3O-BK7VRA/s1600/1.jpg
Besides being a heart healthy fruit, avocado helps in promoting overall good health with Vitamin E, Vitamin K, lutein and beta-carotene. Avocados have the highest fiber content of any fruit, which is beneficial in health and weight maintenance. Avocado contains many health benefits. It is an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fat. Avocado contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat which helps lower cholesterol levels.
Folic Acid in Avocado
Avocados are the richest fruit folic acid, nutrients that must be consume even by women who intend to become pregnant and pregnant women from the newly formed embryo. The experts say pregnant women should consume fresh fruits or fresh vegetables as source of folic acid. Because 80% of folic acids from vegetables lost during the cooking process. An avocado contains 114 micrograms of folic acid. This amount is sufficient to meet 30% requirement of folic acid for pregnant women. The need for folic acid is recommended for pregnant women every day about 600 micrograms, 500 micrograms for breastfeeding mothers and 400 micrograms for adult women.
Benefits Avocado for Our Skin
For youthful and healthy skin, you can use avocado oil. It is a good facial oil.
Avocado oil strengthens the skin by stimulating collagen, thereby reducing wrinkles and improving skin texture. Avocados are also rich in vitamin E, a free radical scavenger that will assist in slowing the aging process. The mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination of vitamin E and vitamin A makes skin becomes elastic, remove wrinkles, making skin look young and fresh.
Avocado also treats sun damaged skin and heals skin rashes to a great extent. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins a, d and e and makes way through the skin almost naturally. Using avocado is good for dehydrated skin as it provides nourishment and moisture.
Avocado for hair
Avocado is also useful for hair care such as when doing cream bath. Cream bath do once a week for providing nutrients to the hair and scalp care to stay healthy.
The proteins, vitamins, and natural oil in the avocado will soften and moisturize your hair, while adding nutrients and repairing old damage. Hair will be hydrated, shiny, and more elastic. If your hair is especially dry, thick or loves to eat up conditioning products, you can get away with it.