Jumat, 20 April 2018

The Different Types of Vegetarians - And Why People Choose to be Vegetarian

The Different Types of Vegetarians - And Why People Choose to be Vegetarian

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/00/b6/4c/00b64c511ca4a55dcd2cc43173d04d88.jpg

A lot of people who are unfamiliar of the vegetarian or vegan lifestyles sometimes lack understanding about vegetarianism. This includes the idea that there are actually several different types of vegetarians. Each type or classification of vegetarian has its own unique set of foods and rules that differs it from the other choices.

To all non-vegetarians who are interested in learning more about the lifestyle and diets of vegans, here is an outline that will help differentiate the different categories and classifications of vegetarianism.

Most people would usually associate vegetarianism with this type of classification or category. The word lacto-ovo came from the Latin words, lacto, meaning milk, and ovo, meaning egg. This type of group does not include any animal meat in their diet. Nevertheless, they get some of their protein requirement from dairy products and eggs.

Vegans are people who are strictly limited to eating plant foods. They do not eat any type of meat and as well as not eating eggs, dairy products and other types of animal based processed foods. In other words, foods that are even only byproducts of animals are strictly forbidden.

On the other hand, Pescatarian is a relatively new category that covers people who are vegetarians and do not eat any meat except for fish.

One of the main indicators of Macrobiotic people is the emphasis on consuming Asian types of vegetables such as Daikon, seaweed and other types of sea vegetables. This group also consumes unprocessed vegan foods such as fruits and whole grains. Sometimes, macrobiotics also eats fish; however, all types of honey and refined oils are out. Nevertheless, the diet consumed by microbiotics does have a very healthy effect or benefit.

Having all these rules that covers the Dos and DONTs in the diet makes it very difficult to become vegetarian. Because of this, a lot of people would definitely wonder why some individuals would choose such a diet.

Generally, people who decide to follow the lifestyle of the vegan or vegetarian do so due to several reasons. These reasons usually include their personal beliefs and/or well a medical restriction.

Health Benefits
One of the most common reasons why people decide to become vegetarian is due to its overwhelming health benefits. These diets basically help reduce the incidences of health problems and diseases from cancer to migraines.

Religious Matters
Some religions such as Hinduism, Seventh Day Adventism and Buddhism do not allow the consumption of animal flesh. Because of this, a lot of people belonging to any of these religions are considered vegetarians.

Animal Rights Activists
There are also people who resist eating meats due to their convictions against animal cruelty. A lot of animals are slaughtered in order to produce food for humans.

Another reason why people eat vegetables is due to safety measures. Eating plant-based foods helps eliminate the risk not only of diseases like cancer, but also illnesses related to food poisoning, and contaminated meat (yes, you can have contaminated vegetables, but this is far less common).

Psychological Reasons
Aside from the reasons mentioned above, a lot of people are also psyched out at the thought of eating animal flesh that was once moving and breathing. Because of this, some people turn out to be vegetarians because they find eating meat as disgusting or gernally distasteful.

So there you have it - of course there are more reasons why someone becomes a vegetarian/vegan, but these are the most often cited reasons.

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