Image source: https://www.accessdentalcare.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Blog2.jpg
Add More Calcium to Your Diet
Calcium is a key supplement your body needs to make sure our bones stay strong, and your teeth the strongest of them all! Milk, eggs and cheeses are full of calcium. Dont like whole milk? No worries, theres plenty of calcium in skim milk and low-fat yogurt. So, if you skip breakfast daily, stop that and take your time in the morning to sit down and enjoy a glass of milk next to a plate of eggs and toast.
Other foods loaded with calcium includes vegetables such as broccoli and bok choy, dried beans and most nuts.
Eat Foods Rich in Fiber
Saliva guards your mouth like no other. Most foods that you eat high some degree of acidity, which gnaws away at the enamel protecting your teeth. Saliva though, neutralizes most of these acids, gives space for the thousands of bacteria living inside your mouth to break down any sugars, and helps re-mineralize your teeth.
To promote salivation, you need to eat a lot of fibrous foods, such as fruits, nuts and vegetables. The best of these includes apples, bananas, oranges, brussel sprouts, peas and bran.
Switch from White to Whole Wheat Grains
Bleached foods such as white rice and white bread are fine, but if youre looking to help your teeth out its a great idea to switch to whole grain foods. Whole grain foods have essential supplements, including B vitamins and iron, that promote healthier gums. In addition, whole grains contain magnesium, a mineral that helps absorb calcium and strengthen your teeth.
The next time youre at the market, fill your cart with items like brown rice, whole-grain cereals and pastas, oatmeal and bran.
Protect Your Teeth with Potassium
Avocado is a unique food for its many properties. For one, avocados are calorie-burning powerhouses great for weight loss and muscle gains. Secondly, packed inside an avocado is loads of potassium, a chemical which strengthens your teeth and stops decay right in its tracks.
If avocados arent your thing, there are other foods full of potassium. Some of those are potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, watermelon and yogurts.
Start Eating More Seafood
Vitamin D is important if youre planning on having all your natural teeth for a lifetime. Bathing yourself in sunlight is one way of obtaining this, but if youre hungry, eat some seafood! Salmon, herrings and sardines are popular fishes that are great sources of Vitamin D. An average salmon fish contains 988 IU of Vitamin D per 100-gram serving. Thats close to 250% of the recommended daily value!
The next time youre at a seafood venue, take home some of the items above. Other Vitamin D rich seafoods includes shrimp, oysters, and canned tuna.