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The truth is that you can knock years your appearance safely and naturally in only three days, by following the Perricone 3-Day Face Lift diet. The proponents of the Perricone 3-Day nutritional face lift claim that it will provide the same benefits of a surgical face lift, thanks to its high quality nutrients. How does this diet work?
By limiting your food consumption to the foods specified on the Perricone 3-Day Face Lift diet, you'll begin a process of overall body rejuvenation which shows up almost immediately in a more youthful skin. Dr. Nicholas Perricone considers the Perricone 3-Day Face Lift diet as the introduction to a lifetime of "wrinkle-free" eating, which you'll experience more fully by continuing on to his famous 28-day diet. But many people simply choose to repeat the 3-Day Face Lift wrinkle cure diet on a regular basis.
The Perricone 3-day Nutritional Face Lift requires that you eat at least two portions of salmon each day, at whichever meals you choose. The diet works better, according to Dr. Perricone, if you choose wild salmon over farm-raised fish. But every kind of salmon has the essential Omega-3 fatty acids so necessary for the success of the diet.
You'll also be eating lots of fresh berries, fresh greens with your own fresh dressings, and snacks of fresh almonds also rich in essential fatty acids. Your beverages will consist of lots of fresh water, and unsweetened green tea.
During the three days of this diet you'll be avoiding sugar, all processed food, most carbohydrates, caffeine, and red meat. Turning to the permitted foods when you experience cravings should make the three days of the diet quite manageable.
What does a sample day of 3-Day Face Lift diet meals look like? Breakfast:
One-half cup of rolled or steel-cut oats, prepared with water and topped with fresh sliced pear sliced raw almonds, with a side of fresh berries or cantaloupe and an omelet of three egg whites with fresh spinach and peppers.
Green tea.
Mid-morning Snack:
Six ounces unsweetened yogurt
Mixed greens dressed with olive oil and vinegar or fresh lemon juice.
Miso-rubbed grilled salmon with fresh berries or cantaloupe.
Spring water or green tea.
Midafternoon Snack:
Two ounces fresh roasted turkey or chicken, or a handful of almonds
Plank-grilled salmon with mixed green salad, olive oil and vinegar or fresh lemon juice dressing.
Roasted low-carb vegetables like asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, or squash.
Spring water or green tea.
You should drink spring water and green tea throughout the day as well as at meals.
Don't be surprised if you lose a few pounds during your three days on this diet. But if you're like most of its followers, you biggest reward will be in those reduced facial lines and wrinkles, the reason the natural Perricone 3-Day face Lift diet gets its name!
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