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The American dictionary defines omelet as beaten eggs cooked until set and folded over, often around a filling. So, if you are really in a hurry, here is your basic omelet recipe: beat eggs, cook them until they are set, fold them over and add anything you have on the fridge as filling. Seriously, here you can learn how to make the basic omelet. In addition, you can find here ideas for an upgraded omelet including tips on how to make a low fat omelet.
The Basic Omelet
Ingredients per 1 serving:
a) 2 or 3 fresh eggs
b) 1 tablespoon butter or oil
c) 2 tablespoons of milk or cold water
d) pinch of salt
e) fillings: chopped vegetables, meet, fish, cheese.
1) Spread the butter or oil on a standard cooking pan.
2) Let the pan warm in a medium heat.
3) In the meantime, pour the eggs into a bowl, add your preferred fluid, salt and mix the ingredients all together.
4) When the pan is warm, pour the content of the bowl into the pan. Tilt the pan until the mixture covers it.
5) While you are waiting for the eggs to set, prepare the fillings.
6) When the sides of the omelet start to look crispy, pour the fillings into one half of the omelet.
7) Fold the empty half of the omelet onto the other half.
8) Let the folded omelet to cook for a few minutes, then gently pour it into your plate.
The Ultimate Omelet
As you can see, making a basic omelet is as easy as ordering pizza. The secret, as any grandma would admit, lies in the filling. Omelets filling can be anything you like including vegetables, meat, seafood, cheese or even leftovers such as pasta or crusted bread. A classic omelet will be filled with all of the above plus fresh or dried herbs. Here are some ideas for omelet fillings that have been proved to be successful as well as filling.
The Classic French Omelet:
There many variations to the classic French omelet filling. One of my top favorites is the Bretonne style omelet or, if you insist, lomelette Brettone, which contains minced leek, shredded onions and diced mushrooms.
The Spanish Omelet:
Preparing the Spanish omelet also known as Tortilla de patatas takes a little bit more preparation. On the other hand, it is a full meal on a plate. The classic version is filled with baked potatoes and chopped and minced onions. Spanish omelets variations also include tomatoes, beans and spinach.
The Farmers Omelet:
This is the classic breakfast for the hard workers. With diced, uncooked potatoes, diced ham, chopped onions and some cheddar, you will not be starting your day on an empty stomach.
The Sweet Omelet:
Omelet does not have to be sour. A sweet omelet can be a nice day starter. You can fill your omelet with strawberries, cream cheese and a pinch of vanilla.
The Vegetarian Omelet:
This type of omelet can be filled with anything that did have any parents. According to a recommended recipe, a vegetarian omelet is filled with chopped green peppers, chopped zucchini and fresh parsley.
The Aunt July Omelet:
This kind of omelet is filled with fresh tomatoes, cheddar cheese and chopped onions. It is the easy, does not require early preparations and tastes very good. At least it did when I was four.
The Low Fat Omelet
Here are some useful tips to help you reduce the potential of getting arteriosclerosis from having omelets on a daily basis:
a) Use only the egg whites.
b) Use olive oil instead of butter.
c) Prefer low fat fillings: fresh vegetables, herbs, low fat meats such as turkey or salmon.