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Lets take that a little further. For convalescing, repairing protein and mineral deficiencies, you cant beat bone broth. These broths are exceptionally rich in protein, and contain many minerals. The Glycine it contains supports detoxification of the body, and is used in the synthesis of hemoglobin, bile salts and other naturally-occurring chemical reactions in the body. Another component, proline, and especially when ingested with vitamin C, supports good skin health. Bone broths are also very rich in gelatin which supports digestive health, and even bones and ligaments, as does the glucosamine and chondroitin it contains. Minerals in the broth are easily digested by the body, and include calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and other minerals. The gelatin also provides supplementary protein, fights against degenerative joint disease, and helps support connective tissue. Good for the hair and nails, too! In fact, within bone broth is the exact minerals, in the proper proportions, that our teeth are made of. 65% of the mineral mass of bone is comprised of calcium and phosphorous, the two minerals that are the main mineral composition of teeth.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), bone broth is used to support our vital essence (chi), builds blood and nourishes the kidneys, which in TCM, includes the adrenal glands. Marrow of the bone is considered the deepest essence of a being in TCM, and marrow is one of the things that bone broth contains. Bone marrow is where the body manufactures both red and white cells.
Bone broth is excellent to have on hand for any cooking need. It has been used around the globe since time immemorial, and is deeply flavored for use as a base for soups, sauces, gravies, and a cooking medium for quinoa, other grains, and vegetables. It is wonderful for braising and basting in addition to its health benefits. And it is inexpensive.
For example, by using the bones from leftover roasted chickens and vegetable scraps from other dishes, you can prepare a batch for pennies. It is also much healthier than the storebought bone broth, which are highly processed and have lost much of their nutrients.
Most importantly, mineral uptake is excellent when ingesting bone broth, and there are no issues of absorption due to the proper amounts of paired nutrients when you use supplements. The fats in the bone broth help restore greater gut health, and increase the absorption rate of the minerals that are in the broth. Using bone broth cannot only help in convalescing, restoring mineral and protein deficiencies, but is an important part in the post-detox gust restoration process, and is recommended in many of my Wellness Plans.
I recommend that in the cooler months and flue/cold season, drink at least 1 cup per day for general health maintenance. In case of a bug or virus, sip constantly. For other uses, see your Wellness Plan recommendations.
How to Make a Quality Bone Broth
2 pounds of bones from a healthy source
2 chicken feet for extra gelatin (this is optional)
1 onion
2 carrots
2 stalks of celery
2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
You can also add fresh parsley, sea salt, peppercorns, or any additional herbs and spices to taste. As you make it more and more you will learn how to use bones and vegetables from other recipes.
You will need a large stock pot, or a crock pot, and a strainer.
Gather your high quality bones, which can be from other dishes you have cooked, from a butcher, etc. Use 1 gallon of water for each 2 pounds of bones. Chop your vegetables, but dont trim greens unless they are of bad quality. They contain many nutrients, some even different from the root of the vegetable, itself.
If you are using raw bones (that have not already been cooked), place them in a roasting pan and roast for 30 minutes at 350.
Place the bones in your large stock or crock pot, and pour spring or filtered water over the bones. Add the vinegar and let sit for 20-30 minutes. The acid from the vinegar helps make the nutrients in the bones more available.
Chop and add the vegetables to the pot, and also add your salt, pepper, herbs and spices. (add parsley and/or garlic in the last 30 minutes)
Bring to a boil, and once rapidly boiling, reduce to simmer. During the first few hours of simmering, skim often to remove any impurities and debris that may have floated to the top. When finished cooking, remove from the heat and cool slightly. Strain to remove all bones and vegetable matter. When cooled, you can store in glass containers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, and you can also freeze it for later use (suggestions above).
Cooking Time Chart
Beef: 48 hours
Chicken or other poultry: 24 hours
Fish: 8 hours