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Your body's amazing self-regenerating ability gives you a second chance to build a brand new, healthier body--if you're willing to give it the nutritious raw materials it needs to rebuild itself into the new and improved version of you!
While there are several types of food-based multivitamins and minerals on the market, many health authorities consider three super foods the ideal supplements, especially for those who are not able to consume a sufficient amount of organic fruits and vegetables each day.
Super Food No. 1: Spirulina
Spirulina is blue green algae, which is considered the most nutrient dense food on the planet. It contains concentrations of nutrients far exceeding any other known vegetation. It is the best source of vegetable protein, containing about 65 % protein--higher than any other natural food--far more than animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%),soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%), or grains (8 to 14%). It is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids. Spirulina grows so fast that it yields twenty times more protein per acre than soybeans.
It also contains extraordinary concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as beta carotene (ten times more concentrated than that of carrots), iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, essential trace minerals, and gamma-linolenic acid.
It is also the most abundant source of Vitamin B-12, and is also rich in phytonutrients and functional nutrients that have a demonstrably positive effect on health.
Because spirulina's nutrient profile is more potent than that of any other food, plant, grain or herb, it is considered a superior whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. In addition to its contribution to the body's nutritional needs, it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of cancer, high cholesterol, allergies, anemia, elevated blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, viral infections, inflammatory conditions, liver damage and immunodeficiency diseases.
Super Food No. 2: Chlorella
Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grown algae that contains more health enhancing chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. It is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and many other nutrients that are beneficial to your health. Chlorella also has an abundance of nucleic acids, which have powerful rejuvenating properties that slow down the aging process, keeps the skin looking youthful and wrinkle-free, and helps you have a longer life.
Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of The No-Aging Diet and Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease, treated his patients with foods rich in nucleic acids. He reported that such a diet made his patients' look and feel 6 to 12 years younger than their chronological age, and their overall health dramatically improved.
They also experienced a substantial fading of lines and wrinkles, and developed healthier, younger-looking skin after only 2 months.
Super Food No. 3: Moringa
The moringa is a genus of trees indigenous to Southern India and Northern Africa, and now cultivated in Central and South America, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines.
The leaves of the species called moringa oleifera, have become recognized in recent years as being highly beneficial to human health. Moringa leaves are an anti-aging powerhouse because they contain several thousand times more of the powerful anti-aging nutrient zeatin than any other known plant.
A study published in Rejuvenation Research shows the undeniable youth-preserving effects of zeatin because of its ability to induce cell division and growth, and delay cell aging.
With the zeatin contained in moringa, new skin cells grow at a faster rate than old skin cells die. This results in a marked reduction of wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body, and more youthful skin appearance. Moringa leaves also has 90 essential nutrients and 2 compounds that prevent cancer and reducing tumors (or retarding their growth).
This has earned moringa the reputation of being a cancer preventative plant. India's natural Ayurvedic medicine uses moringa leaves to prevent and treat over 300 diseases. A Bureau of Plant Industry report states that, gram per gram, moringa leaves contain: twice the protein content of 8 ounces of milk (and 4 times the calcium); the Vitamin C equivalent of 7 oranges; the potassium content of 3 bananas; 3 times the iron of spinach; and 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots.
If you're among the 70% of adults who aren't getting their recommended daily servings of vegetables and the thought of eating ten servings of spinach, collards, kale, green beans, peppers, and other green vegetables doesn't sound appealing (or possible for you to do) you have the option of taking spirulina, chlorella and moringa instead.
When you give your body a daily dose of these super foods it's like renovating your body the way someone would renovate an old house that has seen better days. Remember the words : Your body tomorrow is what you put in it today.
When you flood your body everyday with the 8 most nutrient-dense superfoods in the world--chlorella, moringa, spirulina, cacao, maca, wheatgrass, acai and camu camu--what kind of body do you think you'll have in one week one month one year? "Let food be your medicine, and let your medicine be food."
There is almost no health problem or disease that food cannot help.